May 4th- The forces that influence motion

Learning Activities May 4- 8 - The forces that influence motion

Zoom meetings this week

Please sign up for 1 of the 3 Zoom meetings that best fits your family this week. 

Please sign up before Tuesday morning as I will send out invites to the meetings later on Tuesday.
You can sign up on the Zoom meeting document or send me an email. Thanks. 

Learning Activities: 

To see the complete learning activity instructions, Click HERE

Lundi- Monday
Mardi- Tuesday
Mercredi- Wednesday
Jeudi- Thursday
Vendredi- Friday
ZOOM small group this week. Please sign up.
Learning Letters due.

1. Math task- 
To see the complete learning activity instructions, click HERE

2. Les forces-Exploring forces  
To see the complete learning activity instructions, click HERE

3. Star Wars connection
click HERE

1. Story time with Vicki- And Everyone shouted “Pull”!

2.Reading Workshop
 (pick a new “bin”)
 To see the complete learning activity instructions, click

3. Les forces-Which force is it?
To see the complete learning activity instructions, click

1. YouTube

2. Math task- WODB
To see the complete learning activity instructions, click HERE

3. Les forces-Exploring Friction
To see the complete learning activity instructions, click HERE

4. Zoom 12:30 or 1:00 
small groups
1.Reading Workshop (pick a new “bin”)
To see the complete learning activity instructions, click HERE

2. Les forces-Marble maze
To see the complete learning activity instructions, click HERE

1. YouTube

2. Les forces-Bubbles
To see the complete learning activity instructions, click HERE

3. Zoom 11:00 small group 

4. Learning letter- Sharing your child’s learning.
Due by Tuesday May 12th.

Learning letters: Sharing Learning Due: Tuesday May 12th.

I am loving the learning letters that I am receiving! What a wonderful way to stay connected to each of you from my home! Thanks for letting me share in your learning experiences.

My feedback on the learning letters

As many of you have noticed, I am sending feedback directly back to you and your child through email. Originally, I thought I would put the information into Ed Inform, but that has become too cumbersome. So I am making digital books out of the photos/videos, answers to the questions and my feedback, that I will send to you when this is all over. I will add the digital books to Ed Inform as well as to be a part of your child's permanent school report card.

Instead of keeping the detailed instructions for the Learning Letters here on the blog, I have created this PDF " How- to"  document for the Learning Letters. The link is also in the weekly plan and the detailed instructions for the learning activities.

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