The last 2 weeks

Countdown and upcoming events

We have been busy in class with our unit on reindeer and caribou. This week we began to practice Christmas vocabulary and read a book about Hannukkah. We will talk more about Hannukkah early next week. 
As part of our non-fiction writing, the children wrote a book about the decorations that they have at their homes at this time of year. The book was to have 4 decorations and at least 1 sentence completed. At the back of the books the children coloured faces to represent their self-evaluation. I have circle the face I feel is the most accurate with purple highlighter. Look for the books in the folders today. 
I have copied the link to the December calendar. As a reminder we have our Santa Hat day tomorrow. Please check for other upcoming events as well as timings and costume for the concert on Thursday.

December Calendar

Being Healthy at this time of year

We have lots of cold and flu at this time of year. As a class, we read a book about germs. We talked about ways to sneeze and cough to minimize the spread of germs. We talked about not leaving tissues on surfaces and being considerate of the others who share our classroom space. 
As we move towards the holidays, it is a good time to sit and comb your child's hair looking for lice. There are many, many sites on line that give advice on how to wet comb your child's hair. 

Things to do at home:

  1. Keep doing all the great things you have been doing. We will start new content in January.
  2. Try to keep normal bedtimes as much as possible, overtired children have trouble managing being around others all day. 
  3. Start thinking about what a box could become, (ask your child about this). 
  • On that note when we ask for boxes in the new year please, please send ones that are a reasonable size considering that there will be 20 boxes in the class. 
  • I would suggest one that can fit on their work space, approximately the size of a shoe box up to the size of a microwave oven.

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