April 27th- Lego and Shapes Week

Learning Activities April 27- May 1st- Lego and Shapes Week

Zoom meetings this week

Please sign up for 1 of the 3 Zoom meetings that best fits your family this week. 

Please sign up before Tuesday morning as I will send out invites to the meetings later on Tuesday.
You can sign up on the Zoom meeting document or send me an email. Thanks. 

Please see the complete learning activity instructions, here.

Lundi- Monday
Mardi- Tuesday
Mercredi- Wednesday
Jeudi- Thursday
Vendredi- Friday

1. Storytime with Vicki – 

2. Reading Workshop
Our reading bins

Learning letters due.

1. YouTube songs 

2. YouTube vocabulary building - Shapes

3. Math task-Shape scavenger hut

1. Math number talk- Lego

2. Lego project-
 pick 1 of 4 options

3. Small group Zoom 12:30 OR 1:00 OR Friday at 11:00

You will need Lego for the Zoom meeting. Please see the instructions, here.

1. Storytime with Vicki- 

2. Reading Workshop 
-pick a new “bin”

3. Math task- building 3D shapes

1. YouTube songs-

2. Lego project-
 pick 1 of 4 options

3. Small group Zoom at 11:00. (see Wednesday)

 4. Learning letter link- Letter is due
Tues. May 5th.

Learning letters: Sharing Learning Due: Tuesday May 5th.

Instead of keeping the detailed instructions for the Learning Letters here on the blog, I have created this PDF " How- to"  document for the Learning Letters. The link is also in the weekly plan as well as the detailed instructions for the learning activities.

Last week's Learning Activities- General feedback

Here is some feedback about last week's activities. I wanted to give this feedback after the week's activities. That way your child can use the feedback to reflect on their learning and engagement with these tasks.
These tasks are ones that I wanted to give feedback for and not necessarily ones that I want the learning letters to be focused on. The learning letters should be focused on an activity about which your  child can fully answer the reflection questions. They may want to share an activity but not be able to answer the questions, then move on to their second (or third 😊) choice.

Learning Activities Feedback

The Road, the Hill and the Mountain

There were many activities this week that asked you to look at criteria (the road, the hill and the mountain). This is language we use in class to describe the different options to access the task. We are all on the same learning journey. 
For example with the writing task, everyone was going to communicate ideas on paper for that task. The road, the hill and the mountain just describe how scenic the route is going to be. Some children in class are newer drivers, ready to drive on the road, some have more experience and are ready for the hill and we have some travellers who are ready to explore the mountains. 
The key as you watch your child is that the level they pick should be challenging for them. I can tell you in the individual feedback on Ed Inform if they were working at a level that I know to be where they learn and grow. 

Block task

I hope you enjoyed this task. It is a challenge to find all the different ways to pile the blocks in a straight tower (not beside each other). Here are how many towers are possible for each grouping of blocks:
  • 3 blocks: You can make up to 7 towers.
  • 4 blocks : You can make at least 15  towers
  • 5 blocks: If you tried this challenge there are over 25 towers that you can make!

Scavenger hunt
Hopefully you enjoyed one of the scavenger hunts last week on Earth day. In class we often sort objects and explain why the objects belong together or what is the "sorting rule". 

Here are some ideas for rules you can use when you sort items.
You can sort by:
  • size
  • shape
  • texture
  • colour
  • how object is used
A more sophisticated (challenging) way to sort the objects:
  • size and shape
  • texture and size
  • colour and shape
  • etc.
    If you did not get a chance to sort objects last week and this is interesting you, gather some objects at home and see if your family (when they are done work) can guess the rule for each pile. 
    If you wanted to do the crayon rubbings, I hope you found a way to do them, despite the rainy days!


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