April 20th- Earth week

Earth Week April 20-24th

The activities this week will centre around nature.

Zoom Meetings- Please use the Zoom schedule that you find here, as it is the most up to date schedule. I find as I sit down and plan out my activities, my ideas for Zoom meetings change.  I had to commit to the  Zoom time slots in the bulletin from the Office at the end of March. 😊

On that note, I would like to have small group Zoom meetings with the class this week. One will be on Wednesday at 1:00 and the other Friday at 11:00 (note the time change). Please sign up for one of the two meetings. You can send me an email for your preferred time or you can sign up on this Zoom meeting sign up, a docx file.

Learning activities:

Here are the detailed learning activity instructions for the week. These detailed instructions help guide your child to engage more deeply with the learning opportunities in these activities.

Lundi- Monday
Mardi- Tuesday
Mercredi- Wednesday
Jeudi- Thursday
Vendredi- Friday
1. Singing songs in French:

2. Writing Activities based on la petit poule rousse:
See detailed instructions for the 3 writing options

1. Math task- Block task: see detailed instructions  

2. Story time with Vicki-Lina et l'arbre magique

3. Writing Activities (only if your child is not finished or wants more time)see detailed instructions

1.Singing songs in French: Savez-vous planter les choux?

2.  Scavenger Hunt:
See detailed instructions  for the 2 options.

3. Read/ draw under your favorite tree:

4. Small group Zoom meeting 1:00 
(please sign up)

1. Story time with Vicki- Sofia’s Dream

2. Math task- Duck task:

3. A plant journal (if you have a garden): See detailed instructions 

2. Learning letter- Sharing with Vicki about your child’s learning.
See further details following this chart.

Due by Tuesday April 28th.

4. Small group Zoom class meeting 11:00 (Note the time change)
 (please sign up)

Learning letters: Communicating learning

As I am not available to directly observe the learning that is happening in your home. I need your help and observations from you and your child. At the end of the week, I would appreciate a learning letter sent to my email that contains observations of your child's learning. 

1. As you go through the week of learning activities and opportunities that areas throughout the week in your home, could you please:
  • Notice how your child interacts with or talks about the various activities.
  • Which activities does your child gravitate towards and engage in first? Last?
  • Is your child picking levels of the activities that are a challenge for them or do they pick easy alternatives? (In class we use the language "brain growing" activities).
  • Ask them to share what they are doing, how they are feeling about the activities.
  • Encourage them to persevere when faced with a challenge.

2. As part of the learning letter, I would like you to send in 1 photo or 1 short video (under 2 minutes) of an activity that your child is most proud of this week or found the most interesting to explore. 

For me, a picture/ video of your child "doing" an activity is more valuable and tells me more about your child's learning than a picture of a worksheet. 

3. Included in this email letter should be your child's answers to these questions:
  • Why did you pick this activity to share with Vicki?
  • How was this activity a good fit for you to "grow your brain"?
  • What did you do when something was difficult?
  • If you were going to do this activity again, what would you change or add so it is still a "brain growing" activity for you?
4. Please add any observations or comments that you want to share about your child's work this past week. 

I will upload the pictures and videos to Ed Inform with your child's comments and my feedback of the activity so it will become part of your child's digital portfolio.

Please send only 1 piece of evidence for me to add to Ed Inform as it takes me up to 2 hours to update Ed Inform with 1 piece of work for each child in the class. Thanks. 

This is due to me by Tuesday April 28th.

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