April 14- La petite poule rousse

April 14-17th

Welcome to our virtual classroom!

I want to recognize the unique and complex situation that we find ourselves in right now. Along with working from home, juggling home life, school plans are now coming home. These plans are not meant to be home schooling, nor do I expect you to "teach" your child.

Each week, I will post an overview of the week's learning activities here on the website. I have included the detailed instructions, to support you as your child sets up the activities and works/ plays independently.  They will need your support to read instructions and open links to videos. I thank you for that support. I am here to answer questions, offer guidance and feedback.

The links (different coloured text) in the document lead to videos, worksheets and word documents. The Word document links lead to documents that are part of Office 365 (word, powerpoint etc.). If a link asks you to sign up for an account, please email me and I will send your child's username and password as all students have an account through SD79.

La petite poule rousse (The Little Red Hen)

And we are off....😃

The outline in the chart below includes links to videos, worksheets as well as a detailed "how to" for each activity.

If you wish to go directly to the detailed instructions for the week: Click HERE

Mardi- Tuesday
Mercredi- Wednesday
Jeudi- Thursday
Vendredi- Friday
1. Watch the video La petite poule rousse

2. Practice farm animal vocabulary in French.
See the detailed instructions HERE

3. **Math task- Click on the link for number sense practice
1. Rewatch the video of  La petite poule rousse
here is another version La petite poule rousse 2

2. Retell the story of la petite poule rousse with toys you have. See detailed instructions

1. Replay the story of La petite poule rousse. 
How can you change the story? 
See detailed instructions HERE

2. **Draw the beginning, middle and end of the story.  See detailed instructions and criteria HERE

Writing template pdf link is HERE
if you are having trouble with the one in the instructions.😃
1. La petite poule- Label your drawings. See detailed instructions and criteria 

2. Math task- number sense activity

3. Zoom class meeting at 10:30

(When you have time this week or next.) 
4. ** Baking or cooking with your child. See detailed instructions HERE

** These activities do not have to be completed in one day. They can be continued throughout the week.

This is an outline and suggested timeline for activities. The pace at which you complete activities will be guided by your child.
If your child is more interested in retelling the story in a different way on Wednesday then let them direct their learning.
If you do not finish the activities for the week or if your child is exploring their own ideas and learning, don't worry. The links and the chart will still be here and you can keep working at a pace that fits your family. The very worst case scenario is that you will have ideas leftover for long summer days! 😀

If you would like more learning activities (optional/ bonus work)

There are many different websites and ideas under the "Activities for kids" tab, at the top of this website. I have chosen these links as they are age appropriate and/or they match my style of teaching.
The kids yoga link is super fun and in French!
In recent weeks, I have also included links from our school counsellor and our speech and language teacher. 

Here is information about privacy on Zoom shared by our district.

What about students' privacy? Can't Zoom be easily hacked?
  • Zoom is being used around the world to support education, businesses and governments during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • The Zoom enterprise (business) application provided to school districts has robust security features meet B.C. government standards.
  • These features are not available on the free version of the application.
  • The enterprise application of Zoom has been reviewed by government as part of its review of applications used by public sector organizations.
  • School technology administrators can control permissions and privileges, while disabling features that are unnecessary or inappropriate.
  • Students will be given a unique web site address so they can access their virtual classroom, without needing an individual account.
  • And the Zoom server will be based in Canada, with added encryption so it is a safe tool.

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