
Showing posts from 2020

Geometry and Gingerbread

 The Gingerbread Man We have been reading a version of The Gingerbread Man (le garçon de pain d'épices). We are continuing to talk about story elements. We read the story together projected on the board. Then we talked about who the characters were in the story. The children were given copies of the characters in the story and coloured them. We read the story a second time and acted some of the story out. Later that same day, the children worked in groups to build the various settings from the story, the house, the farm and the woods. (See the photos above.) After they had finished the setting, they got their characters and retold the story using the characters in the settings. (See the photos below.) Later this week, the children will get a copy of the story to read and colour. They can bring it home and share the story with you. Geometry Over this past week we have been exploring 2D shapes. The children have been using the pattern blocks in class to build triangles, squares, rect...

Elements of Stories and the Numbers 11-20

Story Elements- Characters, Setting and Problem We have started a unit on story elements. We used the story "Gros Ours Grincheux" to introduce story elements. We talked about the characters (les personnages), the setting (l'endroit) as well as the problem in the story. We glued the characters on a chart paper. The main character (the bear) was in the cave and the secondary characters were in the forest. The problem was under the 2 settings.  This is our sorting of the characters from the story "Gros Ours Grincheux" Next we drew a picture of our bedrooms and labelled the picture. We then read a story about a lost Teddy Bear, "Trouvé." In the story a bear finds a stuffy in the woods and tries to  find the owner. From this story we were inspired to have lost a toy in our stories that would introduce a problem into what we were writing about our rooms.  The grade 1's will draw the missing toy hidden in their room somewhere and copy writing. The grade 2...

Fall Leaves and Number Sense

Fall leaves We began this unit by brainstorming all we knew about fall. We made a list of questions that the class was wondering about fall and leaves. Some of the things that they were wondering were; why the leaves fall, what happened when the leaves are on the ground and if the leaves are living after they fall. We have spent the last few weeks exploring these ideas. As you have seen on FreshGrade, we went outside and looked at the trees. We brought leaves into the class to classify and sort. We read several books about leaves and the different kinds of leaves.  This week to summarize the unit, I asked the children to draw all the things that they know about leaves and have learned about leaves. They shared their drawings with a partner. This learning routine is called "Give 1 Get 1" where the children make a list of knowledge and then shared it with others. We then watched a video about why the leaves change colours. The children went back to their drawings and added the ...

Building our classroom family

Building a classroom family- Routines We have been learning the routines for the class including coming in to class, snack time, lunch time and all the hand washing routines that we have for this year. We have just started our reading routines and next week I am hoping to add our story bins that are part of our reading time.  We are working on the 100 chart and the idea that numerals are names for "how many" and the numeral always represents that amount. We are also working on place value as we count each day that we have at school.  Being a learner Over the next few weeks we are going to focus on what it looks like to be a learner in a grade 1/ 2 class. In my class we focus a lot on what we think, know and how we get an answer rather than focus on a single answer. I also try to have the students share their ideas and thinking as much as possible.  Next week we will be talking about what a reader, writer and mathematician does. A reader shares their ideas, chooses a "jus...

Reopening of school

Welcome back (again!) 😀 In- class changes If you are returning to school, you will have received this information in an email. I thought I would put it here on the website for easy reference.  There are a few changes for our restart: please bring a FULL water bottle, the water fountains have been shut off all plastic containers and compost will return home in the lunch kit as recycling and compost has been suspended at the school please send your child dressed for the weather (rain/ sun and hot) as we are to be outside as much as possible NO agendas at this time. I will continue to communicate by email and the website.  Drop off and Pick up Drop off -School start is now  8:15  . We need to have a staggered start, we will no longer be lining up and waiting for the bell with the aim to create distance between the children. I will open the class door at 8:15. Please do not  all  try and arrive for 8:15. If you are an early bi...

May 25-29th- Mapping and Landforms

Learning Activities May 25th-29th - Mapping and Landforms. Zoom meetings this week- Are Cancelled This week I will be back in the classroom getting ready to welcome you back. So, the Zoom meetings this week are cancelled. I regret cancelling the Zoom meetings. I could not have imagined all that there  Is to do before I welcome you back next week.  Learning Activities Please read to the end of the blog post today. There are some changes to the Learning Letters as school will be in session June 1st. Also I found some fun and place based pictures for social distancing released by the City of Colwood. Here are the detailed instructions for the week. Click Here Lundi- Monday Mardi- Tuesday Mercredi- Wednesday Jeudi- Thursday Vendredi- Friday ZOOM small groups.  Please sign up today.  1. Story time with Vicki-  Suivons la carte 2.  Mapping Task- What is a map? What stories can you tell? Here are the lear...

May 19th- I know here

Learning Activities May 19th- 22nd- I know here. Zoom meetings this week Please email me your choice for Zoom meeting before noon on Tuesday. You can include it in the learning letter if you choose.  I am having a problem with the link this week-- Grrr.  Sorry for the  inconvenience . Learning Activities Math tasks for Thursday and Friday:  This week the children are working on measurement for their math tasks. On Thursday and Friday there are 2 different tasks on Social Distancing. Please do at least one of these activities. in any order, on any day you choose. If your chid wants to do both, of course follow their interests.  Reading bins:  Also in the detailed instructions this week is a link to the reading workshop bins. I have noticed that they are the favourite activity for many members the class, so I have included them as an optional or choice activity for this week.  For the detailed link to all the instructions clic...

May 11th - Storytelling - fairies

Learning Activities May 11-15th Storytelling- Fairies Zoom meetings this week Wednesday small group meetings (10:00, 12:30 or 1:00) Please sign up for a Zoom meeting  that best fits your family on Wednesday. Please sign up before Tuesday morning as I will send out invites to the meetings later on Tuesday. You can sign up on the  Zoom meeting document   or send me an email. Thanks.  Friday whole class Zoom Picnic On Friday, if the weather cooperates, we will have a class  picnic Zoom meeting from 11-11:30 for anyone who is able to attend. If you can set up outside, please do so and we will enjoy a virtual picnic.  Learning Activities For the detailed instructions to all the learning activities, click HERE Lundi- Monday Mardi- Tuesday Mercredi- Wednesday Jeudi- Thursday Vendredi- Friday ZOOM small groups on Wednesday ONLY.  Please sign up today.  Learning Letters due. Zoom picnic lu...