Reading at Home

Welcome to Reading. 

Learning to read for beginning readers can be a long and frustrating journey. For a few children reading comes together quickly and easily while most children it is a longer process. It is a similar to playing an instrument. You learn the notes, play the scales and practice beginning pieces of music note by note. 

The work we do to support readers at school include many of the same things as learning to play an instrument. We work on the letter sounds (1 or 2 a week). We work on blending those sounds together. We begin to recognize common sight words that we can read without blending (like a chord progression in music) and we practice with books. 

What you can do:
  • Read to your child daily.
  • Read the school library books with your child by having them find the words they know in their library books.
  • Practice letter sounds and blending sound with Kalulu or Lecture on Vitesse that comes home.
  • Practice the sight words and create games with the words. 

Home Reading Support

As we all have things we are working on, keeping a home reading book exchange system is my struggle. In am happy to send home a book in the agenda if that is something that works well in your busy evenings. Please write a note in the agenda and I will help the children pick an appropriate book. 

Boukili for reading at home

A great resource for home reading that I love is the Boukili reading app/ site . 

You can use it online or download the app. The books are engaging and kids really enjoy the stories. Set up a free account and your child can access books on line. They can read along at their level or they can listen to books above their level building their oral French vocabulary and sight word vocabulary. 

Letter sound practice- Kalulu and Lecture en Vitesse

We practice one to two letter sounds a week. We use a variety of paper and play to practice the sounds when at school. Lecture en Vitesse is a practice we use at school and you may see come home this year as well.

Kalulu letter sound practice  is a pdf that has activities for the letter sounds. It focuses on introducing on a consonant sound and practicing blending the vowels with that one sound. This practice really helps children to develop their decoding skills. 

Sight word practice

We have several sight word lists that we use in school. You may be familiar with the first set of colour words from other classes. 
The first link includes digital powerpoint of the sight words and sentences with simple sounds. 

Sight Words - Click on the list for the link.

This second group of lists are sentences that include words using complex vowel sounds such as on, oi, ai, an etc. 

You can also see the Learning Activities Page for more Reading and Writing activities.

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