Reopening of school

Welcome back (again!) 😀

In- class changes

If you are returning to school, you will have received this information in an email. I thought I would put it here on the website for easy reference. 

There are a few changes for our restart:
  • please bring a FULL water bottle, the water fountains have been shut off
  • all plastic containers and compost will return home in the lunch kit as recycling and compost has been suspended at the school
  • please send your child dressed for the weather (rain/ sun and hot) as we are to be outside as much as possible
  • NO agendas at this time. I will continue to communicate by email and the website. 

Drop off and Pick up

Drop off -School start is now 8:15 .

We need to have a staggered start, we will no longer be lining up and waiting for the bell with the aim to create distance between the children.

  • I will open the class door at 8:15. Please do not all try and arrive for 8:15. If you are an early bird I suggest a drop off 8:05-8:10 for some play time outside, if you get going more slowly then aim for 8:10-8:20 ish
  • between 8:15-8:30 we will be doing art, finishing unfinished work etc.. This will be an individual work block, not centres.

Pick Up- School end is now 1:58

I will aim to be outside in front of our class after 1:45. We will be singing, listening to a story or playing a group game. I will begin to dismiss the students as soon as I see you, starting as soon as we come outside.

  • When you arrive please stay on the sidewalk before the green space by our classroom (effectively at the edge of school property, not closer to the school than the fire hydrant, please.) 
  • Again try to stagger your pick up time eg. 1:45- 1:55. 2:00- 2:10. After 2:10 your child will be waiting by the flagpole for you. At this time these are the ONLY pick up arrangements. Your child cannot wait by the picnic tables or in the office for example.

Older siblings

All older siblings will be on the field and you will meet your older child by the field. Older siblings will not be picking up younger siblings from the classroom at this time.

This is a lot and many changes to our routines. The best advice I have for you is to quote a well known doctor in our province "Be Kind, Be Calm and Be Safe". We are being mindful and protecting those around us.

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