Building our classroom family

Building a classroom family- Routines

We have been learning the routines for the class including coming in to class, snack time, lunch time and all the hand washing routines that we have for this year. We have just started our reading routines and next week I am hoping to add our story bins that are part of our reading time. 

We are working on the 100 chart and the idea that numerals are names for "how many" and the numeral always represents that amount. We are also working on place value as we count each day that we have at school. 

Being a learner

Over the next few weeks we are going to focus on what it looks like to be a learner in a grade 1/ 2 class. In my class we focus a lot on what we think, know and how we get an answer rather than focus on a single answer. I also try to have the students share their ideas and thinking as much as possible. 

Next week we will be talking about what a reader, writer and mathematician does. A reader shares their ideas, chooses a "just right" book, shows they understand the story through play and uses many strategies to read new books. A writer shares their ideas through drawings and print, shares their writing and can change their ideas. Finally, a mathematician makes mistakes, shares their ideas and thinking, shows their thinking and looks for patterns in numbers. This will set up the foundation for all our conversations about learning for the year and hopefully all along their school journey.

Healthy attendance

Thank you to all the families that have been keeping children home when they have had any symptoms. Already we have seen that the "stay home when sick" has brought many changes in school for students and staff. We are all learning and navigating these new expectations together. 
Please do not worry about the days your children are missing. In grade 2 we continually circle back to concepts and ideas so that all children have a chance to explore and master new ideas. 

Connection with you at home- Digital Portfolios

This year I will continue to communicate your child's learning through a digital portfolio as well as two report cards, one in January and one in June. This year I am using Ed Inform as the application for the digital portfolio. 

This week I will be adding the parent emails to the application and you should receive an invite to Ed Inform in your email Wednesday or Thursday. I have already started an assessment activity about reading/ creating stories and I am beginning one about patterns. I use the assessments to write comments about what your child is doing as well as how they are doing. 

Consent form

There is a consent form coming home this week. As digital portfolios are a part of reporting (a continuous report card), the consent is specific to whether or not you give consent for group photos of your child to be seen in other classmates' portfolios or not. 

Please let me know if you want the invitation to go to 1 family email or to each parent as I do not want to "blow up" your inboxes.

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