May 25-29th- Mapping and Landforms

Learning Activities May 25th-29th - Mapping and Landforms.

Zoom meetings this week- Are Cancelled

This week I will be back in the classroom getting ready to welcome you back. So, the Zoom meetings this week are cancelled. I regret cancelling the Zoom meetings. I could not have imagined all that there Is to do before I welcome you back next week. 

Learning Activities

Please read to the end of the blog post today. There are some changes to the Learning Letters as school will be in session June 1st. Also I found some fun and place based pictures for social distancing released by the City of Colwood.

Here are the detailed instructions for the week. Click Here

Lundi- Monday
Mardi- Tuesday
Mercredi- Wednesday
Jeudi- Thursday
Vendredi- Friday
ZOOM small groups. 
Please sign up today. 

1. Story time with Vicki- 

2. Mapping Task- What is a map?
What stories can you tell?

3. Math task: Subtraction videos

1. YouTube
Pirouette Cacahuète (a different version)

2. Mapping task- Math on a map

3. Math task: Subtraction games

1. YouTube

2. Practicing and making- Landforms

1. Storytime 

2. Mapping task – Creating a map

3. Optional: Math task: Subtraction games

1. YouTube
Pirouette Cacahuète(a different version that might give you ideas for the task today.)

2. ADST task:Pirouette Cacahuète’s house

3. Optional:  Photo to be shared with the class. 

Learning Activities in June during reopening

Starting the week of June 1st, we are continuing to provide remote learning for those students staying at home. At this moment, I am not sure what that will look like, however, given that I will have students 4 days a week, I will not be able to write up as detailed plans as you are used to. As we move forward into this partial opening, I will keep emailing you as I update this blog with more information.

There are always the activities on the page of this website "Activities for kids", songs under "Songs we are singing", reading under "Home Reading", as well as all the past activities from the last few months that you can go back and revisit to continue the learning that has been happening in your home.

Social Distancing

After I had finished and sent out the learning activities, the City of Colwood released a series of pictures of signs up in the city that show what 2m might look like. I thought you might like to see them since one of the math tasks was to come up with your own poster for what 2m. I personally like the bull kelp photo. I think it would have been the one my own boys would relate to. 

 Sharing Learning - just 1 photo this time.

With the return to in-class instruction, please send a photo that I can share in class and your child can explain to the class:
  1. Why they chose this activity to share.
  2. What they like about the activity.
  3. What they did if things were difficult.
  4. What they would change if they were to repeat the activity so that it continues to be a "Brain growing" activity.
Thanks for all the work you put into sharing the learning that was happening at home and how your children were doing. It has been a great help to me as I sit down to write report cards that summarize the learning that has been going on since February.

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