Everyday Things that You Can Do


What you can do:


  • play hangman at home with French words- colour words, ask your child for words
  • make up silly sentences
  • play I spy with French colours or the beginning letters sound e.g. "I spy something that begins with m"
  • read with your child and to your child
  • have your child help write grocery lists
  • have your child write own invitations and Valentine's cards (allow at least a week for this task)
  • have your child label drawings with a few words


  • play games with cards and dice such as Go Fish, Crazy Eight's and Snakes and Ladders, Junior Monopoly 
  • have your child match and sort objects in the home
  • notice patterns and share them with your child
  • count things often by 1, 2, 5 and 10
  • share when you are using math in the house e.g. counting money, using a recipe, matching lost socks, cutting a cake into equal parts

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