In Class We Are..

In our class:

We are becoming a community of learners.
We are becoming life-long learners.
We observe our surroundings.
We wonder.
We generate new ideas and develop these ideas through play and exploration.
We talk about our ideas and explorations.
We practice strategies that help us be "ready to learn".


These are the things kids are doing to build vocabulary and become strong readers and writers.

Work with Words:

We play:
  •  "POP"- words in a popcorn container that the child pick blindly. If they get POP they have to return all their words to the bin
  • with magnets, stamps, playdough to spell
  • "Read the room" and find new words to copy
  • Make board games with our word lists
  • Play hangman
And so much more.

Reading and writing:

We write:

  • words to label pictures and observations
  • endings to sentences such as "Yesterday in the forest I saw..."
  • write simple sentences
  •  stories with a beginning, a problem and an ending
  • about events in our lives
  • write about stories we hear in class
  • write about what we are learning.

We read:

  • and listen to books read by the teacher
  • and share ideas about books read in class
  • the pictures in a book to retell the story
  • letter sounds to read new words
  • with a partner and on our own
  • with a stuffy and flashlight on special days

Science and Social Studies (Themes/ Inquiry)

Science and Social studies are all about the world we live in and how we interact with the natural world and our communities. We explore these ideas through out the year through stories, special events and play.

In Science

We observe, draw and label, ask questions and share ideas  about:
  • living things
  • sky- clouds sun, moon, rain etc.
  • seasons and changes to trees and the forest
  • solids, liquids and gas (snow, water, ice, ginger ale, jello etc.)
  • the sun and how plants grow
These are starting points that lead us on a variety of projects and study in the classroom. 

In Social Studies

We are:
  • a healthy school community and part of a larger community
  • responsible for shaping our environment
  • learning both our rights and responsibilities as members of a community

Math- is fun!

We play and explore a lot in Math. It helps children to make sense of what numbers mean. Children make sense of the following Math concepts more easily when we use concrete objects first. In class, we use cards, dominos, dice, glass beads, rocks, popsicle sticks etc. 


We use numbers to:
  • count accurately 
  • show how many using many different materials, drawing, using 10 frames for place value.
  •  represent in different ways e.g. 5 can be 1 & 4,  3 & 2, 0 & 5
  •  to make 10
  • add and subtract math facts to 20 - and can explain the concepts
  • represent money and what money means 
  • graph information 


We can :
  • make patterns
  • change a pattern
  • correct a pattern
  • see patterns with numbers e.g. counting by 2


We can:
  • measure with objects in the class.
  • describe shapes (2D and 3D)
  •  sort and group objects

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