May 11th - Storytelling - fairies

Learning Activities May 11-15th Storytelling- Fairies

Zoom meetings this week

Wednesday small group meetings (10:00, 12:30 or 1:00)
Please sign up for a Zoom meeting  that best fits your family on Wednesday. Please sign up before Tuesday morning as I will send out invites to the meetings later on Tuesday.

You can sign up on the Zoom meeting document or send me an email. Thanks. 

Friday whole class Zoom Picnic
On Friday, if the weather cooperates, we will have a class picnic Zoom meeting from 11-11:30 for anyone who is able to attend. If you can set up outside, please do so and we will enjoy a virtual picnic. 

Learning Activities

For the detailed instructions to all the learning activities, click HERE

Lundi- Monday
Mardi- Tuesday
Mercredi- Wednesday
Jeudi- Thursday
Vendredi- Friday
ZOOM small groups on Wednesday ONLY.  Please sign up today. 
Learning Letters due.

Zoom picnic lunch today J
1. YouTube

2. Math task-

Draw a fairy 

1. Story time with Vicki- Alice la fée

2.Writing Workshop- introduce your fairy

3. Math task-

1. A Fairy tale in French:

2. Math task- patterns

3. Fairy activity- Your choice of dance, drama, art

4. Zoom 10:00, 12:30 OR 1:00
Please bring the drawing of your fairy.
1. Storytime with Vicki-

Workshop- Where is your fairy and what is your fairy doing?

3. Math task- 

4. Optional: create a fairy garden

1. YouTube

2. Writing
Workshop- Write about the pictures you drew.

3. Math task-

4. Zoom class picnic lunch at 11:00.

Due by Tuesday May 19th.

ADST- Applied Design, Skills and Technology

In school we do a lot of inquiry work where the kids are given a problem and have to find a creative way to solve the problem. The marble maze is an example of a class activity that falls under the ADST curriculum.

When watching the news recently, I saw this clip from BBC world news.
Kenyan hand washing station

A boy in Kenya created a hands-free hand washing station to minimize the spread of COVID. I immediately thought of the ADST piece of our curriculum and why it is so important. Finding creative solutions to problems will always be needed and finding opportunities to practice these thinking and creative skills are valuable.

Learning letters: Sharing Learning Due: Tuesday May 19th.

Instead of keeping the detailed instructions for the Learning Letters here on the blog, I have created this PDF " How- to"  document for the Learning Letters. The link is also in the weekly plan and the detailed instructions for the learning activities.

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