
Showing posts from September, 2016

Volunteer opportunities.

Field Trip October 13 We are headed to Providence Farm. A permission slip came home today in the Agenda. Here is a link to the permission slip in case your paper went astray. Permission slip link:  Providence Farm Volunteer sign up Here is a link to a monthly calendar. There is a paper copy on the classroom door. Please take a look at the calendar and leave a comment letting me know when you would like to come in to help. October Volunteer calendar Donations to the class The following is a list of items that are always useful in the classroom: Boxes of tissue  Plastic ziploc bags both medium and large Disposable/ compostable spoons and forks Paper bags Small wicker style baskets  Matching nuts, bolts and washers ( no screws or locking washers, thanks)

Stream of Dreams

Thanks to PAC for the wonderful Stream of Dreams activity. What you can do : Ask what do streams need to be healthy Ask your child to show the actions for evaporation, condensation and precipitation Ask about the life cycle of a salmon Class activity with Tracy Our Stream of Dreams experience started when Tracy came to our class before lunch. Tracy talked  to us about Salmon and healthy streams. She shared about the water cycle and we practiced actions for evaporation, condensation, precipitation. She showed us how the water flows down hill to the ocean. We also learned that all drains lead to fish.  After lunch we went to the multipurpose room and had a chance to paint a fish for the Stream of Dreams project. Be sure to look for these on our fences the next time you are at the school!

As summer wraps up..

What we have been doing. Welcome fall! What you can do at home: Have your child count as often as possible in French play a board game with dice such as Snakes and Ladders, Junior Monopoly or others.  Look for patterns in the clothes that they choose, around the house Make a pattern and have your child finish the pattern and then change roles Regularly ask your child what the name for items are in French. The more they can say in French the easier it will be to read and write those same words. Use both the Home Reading and Songs we are Singing to help build vocabulary. Our class activities: An art provocation. Yesterday, I displayed some fall pictures up on the smart board and had prepared art materials at the table groups. The art supplies included pieces of cut paper, crayons, markers and glue. I asked the children to think about what they could do with the supplies. The only other instruction that I gave was they had to use all of the materials ate leas...

Housekeeping notes & Meet the Teacher

Meet the Teacher- Wednesday 14th 5-6pm Come and see your child's class! The teachers will be at the school Wednesday evening from 5-6pm. I would be happy to see you and have a quick visit. Peanut Allergy We have a child with severe nut allergies in our class this year. If you have not received the orange letter from the office, there is a copy below. Link to the  Peanut / Nut allergy Letter Fresh Grade I will be using a tool called Fresh Grade this year. It is an app that allows me to communicate with you year round about what your child is doing in school and the progress that is happening. It is an app or it can be accessed from your desktop computer.   As you can see from the sample I made for the student "test", I can put pictures of your child for you to see, as well as both audio and video recordings. You can contact the teacher and leave comments or questions about the activities that you see on the portfolio. The app also allows yo...

Our first days

Our new grade 1 class We  have had 2 full days together. Hopefully you are hearing some stories of the things we have been doing. One of our favorite activities is singing together at lunch time. Of course the songs are found on the smartboard so that adds interest to the activity. If you want to sing along, the songs can be found under "Songs we are singing" Math Inquiry Yesterday we practiced with our new math baskets. These are activities that the children explore first thing in the morning. The activities in the basket are designed to be multi- level.  For the most part they are not worksheets or activities that have one answer. For example this caterpillar can be made many different ways using the pattern blocks. This is the second way a class member found to create the caterpillar. Another of the baskets contains materials to make patterns. While others include materials such as cards for "Go Fish" and play dough to represent the numbers f...