Our first days
Our new grade 1 class
We have had 2 full days together. Hopefully you are hearing some stories of the things we have been doing. One of our favorite activities is singing together at lunch time. Of course the songs are found on the smartboard so that adds interest to the activity. If you want to sing along, the songs can be found under "Songs we are singing"
Math Inquiry
Yesterday we practiced with our new math baskets. These are activities that the children explore first thing in the morning. The activities in the basket are designed to be multi- level. For the most part they are not worksheets or activities that have one answer. For example this caterpillar can be made many different ways using the pattern blocks. This is the second way a class member found to create the caterpillar.
Another of the baskets contains materials to make patterns. While others include materials such as cards for "Go Fish" and play dough to represent the numbers from 1-12.
Recording their school day
This morning the students drew a memorable moment from yesterday or today. We have a chart at the front of the class rated from 1 star to 4 stars. The first star shows a scribble and 1 colour while 4 stars shows a detailed drawing with several colours being used to colour the drawing.
The children drew their favorite activity from yesterday, coloured it and then used the chart to tell me how many stars they thought was appropriate for their drawing. This was a challenging activity for many of the children. I think they all did a great job with their pictures and their self- evaluation!
School tour
Our green teddy went missing today. He decided to have an adventure and tour the school on his own. He left us a note containing clues of where he might be found.
- He was in a large room
- He could hear cars
We had a wonderful time touring the school looking for our missing bear. We knew he wasn't in a classroom (they aren't large enough). Often students would stop and listen to see if we could hear any cars as we searched. I think it was a highlight for many of the students today.
- Inside shoes as soon as possible
- $25 for school supplies so we can begin work in our journals etc.
September newsletters:
- Link to permission letter to electronically see your child's work in class Fresh Grade Letter
- Link to Welcome Newsletter
- Link to Parent Handbook
- Link to Parents New to French Immersion