Housekeeping notes & Meet the Teacher

Meet the Teacher- Wednesday 14th 5-6pm

Come and see your child's class! The teachers will be at the school Wednesday evening from 5-6pm. I would be happy to see you and have a quick visit.

Peanut Allergy

We have a child with severe nut allergies in our class this year. If you have not received the orange letter from the office, there is a copy below.

Fresh Grade

I will be using a tool called Fresh Grade this year. It is an app that allows me to communicate with you year round about what your child is doing in school and the progress that is happening. It is an app or it can be accessed from your desktop computer.  

As you can see from the sample I made for the student "test", I can put pictures of your child for you to see, as well as both audio and video recordings. You can contact the teacher and leave comments or questions about the activities that you see on the portfolio. The app also allows you to receive notifications when I add new documents.  

I will send home a letter with more details on Thursday. Please send the bottom portion of the letter back with the emails of all the parents interested in receiving a login to Fresh Grade. 

This is a sample of what the parent view of Fresh Grade looks like. I made a sample using my family and some actual pictures from this past week. 
  • Link to permission letter to electronically see your child's portfolio Fresh Grade Letter

School Supplies- $25

Thanks to the parents that have sent in the $25 dollars for the classroom supplies. After a week of school we are ready to start using our journal for Math and French. If at all possible please send in your cash or cheque this week so that I can give your child their books and agendas.

Thank you. 

PAC News

There have been a number of letters from PAC. As I receive the electronic copies I will post the links here for easy access.

Hot lunch online ordering

As you may have heard Cobble Hill Hot Lunches are going to be ordered and paid for on line. If you do not have the link, I have included it here. There is a deadline of Monday September 19th.

Hot lunch order link Munch a lunch

Newsletters from previous posts

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