Volunteer opportunities.

Field Trip October 13

We are headed to Providence Farm. A permission slip came home today in the Agenda. Here is a link to the permission slip in case your paper went astray.

Permission slip link: Providence Farm

Volunteer sign up

Here is a link to a monthly calendar. There is a paper copy on the classroom door.
Please take a look at the calendar and leave a comment letting me know when you would like to come in to help.

October Volunteer calendar

Donations to the class

The following is a list of items that are always useful in the classroom:

  • Boxes of tissue 
  • Plastic ziploc bags both medium and large
  • Disposable/ compostable spoons and forks
  • Paper bags
  • Small wicker style baskets 
  • Matching nuts, bolts and washers ( no screws or locking washers, thanks)

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