The Prairies

 Farming and more

 In connection to talking about healthy food and the Canada Food Guide, we have been reading and talking about farming. After reading A Prairie Alphabet, the students spent some time using the materials in class to build things that are found on the prairie such as grain elevators, farms, tipis and homes. 

Here are some examples of their work. 

La ferme

Un train

Une maison/ un cabane

As we were talking about grain elevators and trains, we watched some CN freight trains on YouTube at lunch as they are not a sight ECH students see here on the island. 

We are fortunate to have Corrine Chow presenting at the school this week about the Métis culture which originates and continues on the prairies. It will be a timely tie in to our unit. We will continue to explore in class, talking about tipis and bison and their importance to the Indigenous Peoples.

Vocabulary building

We are building our knowledge of the French vocabulary about farms, farm animals etc. We played an oral game where each child said something that was on the farm and listed everything that had been said before them. 

We have a toy farm in the class. Each child had a turn to pick an item out of a bag and write a label for it. We will use the vocabulary to write a story as well.

The Little Red Hen

We have been reading the story of the Little Red Hen. The children have their own booklet that they are reading and colouring. They used marker and highlighter to highlight the complex sounds in the booklet such as ou, ai, au etc. as well as mark syllables, words and phrases to facilitate reading.  

We will be making bread in class as a celebration of our learning. 

Things you can do at home:

  • Talk about the your families choices when shopping and preparing food.
  • Ask your child about the food groups (there are 3 now).
  • Listen to your child read Little Red Hen when they bring the booklet home.
  • Keep reading with and to your child as often as possible.

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