Art Cards, Science and Social Studies

Art Cards

We have started out Art Cards!

Social Studies and Health

One of the Big Ideas, a focus, for grade 2 is the diverse regions of Canada. As a beginning  to this unit we made a map of the school grounds. We then looked at Canada using google maps and zoomed in to our school. We were able to compare our map with what we saw on the screen. 
Over the school year we will be looking in more detail at different regions of Canada.

Over the next few weeks we will be talking about the food we grow on the Island. This will lead to conversations and comparisons with the prairies, what grows on the prairies, the animals and geography of that region of Canada. 

As we are talking about food, we will be reading and retelling the story of La petite poule rousse. (The Little Red Hen). We will also be talking about healthy foods vs snack and treat food.  

As we approach Halloween could you please limit candy to 1 item per day if that is your practice to include candy in your child's lunch. As part of our conversations, it will be our class custom to save the candy for at the end of lunch after we have had all the healthy choices. 

Science and Writing

This fall we will be focusing on two of the Big Ideas for science, life cycles and the importance of water. Next week we are starting a writing project based on rivers. The students have already generated vocabulary to go with this photo for their writing. All the grade 2 classes will be using the same photo as a writing prompt. 

What you can do at home:

  • If you have a garden, talk about what you have grown in the garden.
  • Point out the various farms and farm land as you travel from home to Duncan or beyond
  • If you visit Bright Angel, Goldstream or other parks, talk about the rivers and the fun you have as a family along the rivers as well as the animals, plants etc. that benefit from the river.
  • Continue to read with your child and practice reading the syllables and vocabulary that come home from our work with sounds.
  • Continue to play hangman with your child to support the work they are doing building the ability to blend sounds.
  • Continue to explore math when you find an example in real life for example, I had 12 eggs and we need 6 for dinner how many will be left? 
  • If it is possible in your home, include you child when preparing lunch and snacks for school. 

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