Oral French with Goldilocks and the 3 Bears and numbers to 20

Oral language and story telling We are beginning to talk about the elements of a story. Recently we learned that the beginning of the story introduces the characters (les personnages) and the setting (le lieu). We are learning that the characters can be people, animals or even things. The middle of a story usually has a problem that is solved by the end of the story. When reading stories at home, I invite you to talk about these story elements with your child. We have been reading many versions of Goldilocks and the 3 Bears (Boucle D'or et les 3 ours). The children have story props that they have coloured and cut out. They are practicing retelling the story to build their vocabulary. We are focusing on speaking as much French as possible and including adjectives such as big, medium, small, hard and soft. When everyone has had a chance to tell me the story as well as several friends, they will use the story props to create a new story. Retelling Goldilocks. N...