Oral French with Goldilocks and the 3 Bears and numbers to 20

Oral language and story telling

We are beginning to talk about the elements of a story. Recently we learned that the beginning of the story introduces the characters (les personnages) and the setting (le lieu). We are learning that the characters can be people, animals or even things. The middle of a story usually has a problem that is solved by the end of the story. When reading stories at home, I invite you to talk about these story elements with your child. 

We have been reading many versions of Goldilocks and the 3 Bears (Boucle D'or et les 3 ours). The children have story props that they have coloured and cut out. They are practicing retelling the story to build their vocabulary. We are focusing on speaking as much French as possible and including adjectives such as big, medium, small, hard and soft. When everyone has had a chance to tell me the story as well as several friends, they will use the story props to create a new story. 

Retelling Goldilocks.

Number sense

We have been practicing math facts to 10 (or 20 in grade 2). Next we will be exploring the numbers 11-20. We are specifically looking at the amounts that these numbers represent and their relationship to 10. This is the very beginning of place value and an introduction to our base 10 number and metric systems.

In December we will begin a unit on patterns. This unit will include creating patterns, finding mistakes in patterns and continuing patterns created by others. We will also be exploring increasing, decreasing and circular patterns. This time of year lends itself really well to all sorts of patterning projects. 

Making 10/ Addition facts to 10

The Ed Inform App 

On the app this month, I have been adding both pictures of what activities your child is doing in class to practice their learning goals. I have also been adding evaluations.

Pictures and videos- I like for you to be able to see the activities that your child is doing in class which reinforces their learning.  To communicate this to you, I include pictures or videos under the appropriate learning sample. Sometimes, I include further information about the goals of the activity. To access this information, you click on the picture or video.

Evaluations- When I feel that I have details to share about your child's progress, I add comments in the Teacher Feedback box. I title my comments to match the title of the picture or video. I then include my observations. The next steps box can just include things that we will organically do in class or I may include specific steps that facilitate your child's goals.

New on Ed Inform

  1. Reading progress- I am finished all but a few evaluations. Log in to hear your child reading a book from their bin. Please keep in mind that these videos are taken during the day and so there is classroom noise and sometimes interruptions. 
  2. Math number sense- Over the next week, I will finish an evaluation of the strategies your child uses to count as well as their ability to add to 10 (or 20 for grade 2). I have about ½ the class finished at this point.
  3. Storytelling- I have been able to assess some students while they retell Goldilocks and the 3 Bears. I will have the others finished by the end of next week. 

What you can do at home:

  1. Encourage your child to count on. At home you can have a set amount of things out e.g. forks to set the table and ask the child to get knives and continue the count on from the number of forks. In our home it would be 3 forks then the child would say 4, 5, 6 for the total. This skill is an important step to take and practice before addition.
  2. Practice addition facts to 10 (for grade 1) and to 20 (for grade 2). Please have your child practice the facts orally in French. Many of the children know their facts, especially on paper, but are making mistakes in French. It is so important for French language learners to memorize these facts and numbers in French as it is the language of instruction.
  3. Have your child retell Goldilocks to you. Most of the grade 1's can retell with a mix of English and French whereas the grade 2's should be using French.
  4. Talk about different holiday traditions that you have as a family including special meals, trips and family time that are part of our winter break. In the next few weeks we will talk about our families and how they are the same and different. 

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