October was all about spiders and spooky

Spider studies, healthy eating and Halloween. We have been learning about spiders throughout the month as you saw in the project that came home. We have also started discussing the various food groups and which foods in our lunches come from each food group. For the next week or so we will be building our halloween vocabulary. We will draw a haunted house and write about it. We will also create a monster and talk about them with our classmates. In the next several weeks we will be learning about the forest as well as the beginning, middle and end of stories. Math- How numbers relate This is a game we have been playing to reinforce the relationship of numbers. In this version of the game, the students are practicing how number relate to 5. For example 8 is 3 more than 5 and 4 is 1 less than 5. This concept is important for easy adding and subtracting, as it supports us to do mental math. If I know that 8 is 3 more than 5 and I am trying to add 37 + 8. I can div...