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Force and Motion

We are studying force and movement as part of our science curriculum. We have explored "push" and "pull" outside on the playground and the swings. We have briefly talked about friction and gravity as well. We will be doing experiments in class to further explore gravity and friction. We will be trying to see if we can change the amount of friction on an object by using different materials. Thank you for the caps that we will use in these experiments.

2D Shapes

We have started a unit on shapes. We are beginning to explore the properties of shapes. This is mainly to build the French vocabulary. The children are also building the shapes which reinforces the attributes of the shapes e.g. a triangle has 3 sides and 3 corners. We will move on to finding the shapes in our environment here at school. The main goal for the students is to be able to sort shapes according to their attributes. They can sort by size, colour, shape or thickness. We will play "Find my rule". The children will sort the shapes and their classmates will try and guess the rule they used to sort shapes. 

Ed Inform and Report Cards

There aren't any new evaluations on Ed Inform this week. I have been writing the first report card for the children. I expect the report cards for our class to come home late next week or early the following week. The report card is a summary of all the learning samples that you have seen on Ed Inform. 

Things that you can do at home:

  1. When you go out on bikes, scooters or skateboards talk about how pushing on the pedals or on the ground help to move you forward. What do you do to stop?
  2. Ask your child what the names of the shapes are in French and if they can point them out in your home. For example the side of the fridge is a rectangle. 

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