Report cards and evaluations

Report Cards

Report cards are coming home today, January, 24. These reports are a summary of information on Ed Inform up until mid- January. The more recent entries on Ed Inform are not included in this report.
The language has changed for the report card. We now use the descriptors emerging, developing, proficient and extending. The description for these terms is on the back of the report card cover.
As always if you have any questions or concerns, please contact me and we can chat about your concerns and questions. 
Please return the envelope and report card cover to the school. The report card is yours to keep. 

Ed Inform

I am adding new examples of learning activities to Ed Inform. The learning activities show what activities  your child is doing in class to meet the expectations for this topic/ unit. On Ed inform this week I am including learning activities under the following learning samples:
  • New reading videos under « reading »
  • New activities under « geometry and measurement »
  • Adding activities under « number sense »


In class this week we have been learning about the core competencies. The core competencies are competencies that everyone uses daily. They include: communication, thinking as well as personal and social responsibility. The children have each done a self-reflection about their strengths in these competencies. This evaluation is coming home as part of the report card. Please return the grey duotang so that we may use it for a second evaluation before the end of the year. 

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