Forest and squirrels

Squirrels Inquiry Project We have been working on a research project about squirrels. We have a wide variety of books in the class from the library. We have been researching the following details about squirrels: their appearance the size of their families and who cares for the babies the materials used to build the nest the food that squirrels gather We have been enjoying many stories about squirrels, just ask about "Those Darn Squirrels." It was a favourite. Starting tomorrow we will begin to write all the things we have learned to accompany a directed drawing art project that we finished yesterday. As part of our research, we have been talking about how squirrels collect food for the winter. Next week we will begin to look at animals who hibernate and what hibernation is since animals do hibernate differently. Math- number sense For counting collections, most students are counting up to 40 items independently. Some students are experimenting counti...