Forest and squirrels

Squirrels Inquiry Project

We have been working on a research project about squirrels. We have a wide variety of books in the class from the library. We have been researching the following details about squirrels:
  • their appearance
  • the size of their families and who cares for the babies
  • the materials used to build the nest
  • the food that squirrels gather
We have been enjoying many stories about squirrels, just ask about "Those Darn Squirrels." It was a favourite. Starting tomorrow we will begin to write all the things we have learned to accompany a directed drawing art project that we finished yesterday.

As part of our research, we have been talking about how squirrels collect food for the winter. Next week we will begin to look at animals who hibernate and what hibernation is since animals do hibernate differently.

Math- number sense

For counting collections, most students are counting up to 40 items independently. Some students are experimenting counting by 2, 5 or 10. Everyone has been working on place value by organizing objects in a 10 frame and put the number as 10's and 1's beside the amount that they count. Please see the picture as well as the picture of your child on Ed Inform.

Next week we will begin to talk about "joining stories", which help explain that addition is always 2 or more groups joining together to make a bigger group. This definition works for all math for example adding 2 negative numbers is a bigger negative number, adding a negative and positive number is a bigger number, adding 2 fractions is a bigger piece etc. It even works for algebra, xy is usually bigger than x or y!

As we move into December we are going to begin to make patterns. 

Ed Inform

Recent additions to Ed Inform include videos of your child reading and the pictures of place value in math.

Upcoming dates and details

December is a crazy busy month with the concert, EDAS and classroom activities. I have put together a calendar for you to help keep it all straight. I will send a copy home and you can find it here:

Calendar for parents: December calendar
Due to unforeseen circumstances we won't be skating on the 14th. I am sorry for any confusion, I prematurely added it to the calendar. 

Things that you can do at home:

  1. Take time just to relax and read together or play. It is such a busy time, the kids get tired quickly.
  2. Ask "What do you know about squirrels?" and then follow up by asking more specific questions based on what you read on this blog. 
  3. Practice counting in French, again there are videos under songs we are singing with the numbers in French.
  4. Check Ed Inform for new information. 

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