We are still going strong!


We are continuing with subtraction activities first thing in the morning. We are using Lego to model subtraction, e.g. physically taking pieces away from the whole group, and we are practicing writing the subtraction equation accurately with - and =. 

We are also working on geometry. For grade 1 that means that we are looking at shapes and describing their features such as: colour, size, thickness and actual shape. We will continue to sort shapes next week and we will take a tour of the school looking at objects and seeing what shapes make up that object.

We did a fun activity last week to help with the idea of sides of shapes. The students used popsicle sticks to make shapes and then drove a car around the outside of the shape and each time the car had to turn, that is the end of a side (not necessarily at each stick.)

Both the geometry and the subtraction centres are up on Ed Inform for you to look at in more detail. 

14 sticks and 14 sides!

Many sticks but only 4 sides! :)

My Country

We have started a project of making our own country. It covers many subjects such as; science (environment and interdependence), social studies (natural features), art, design and planning as well as French Language skills. Everyone is very enthusiastic. If the enthusiasm continues I hope that we will make a video newscast that will be on Ed Inform. That is my long range goal and we are quickly running out of days :) 

Things you can do at home:

  1. Keep practicing take away stories . For example clearing dishes from the table "There are 8 plates and glasses on the table, I am taking 4 away. How many are left?" Or fruit in the fruit bowl, shoes on the floor etc. 
  2. Ask them about the new country and what they have included. You can ask them what kind of creature would live there. We are going to create creatures on Tuesday. 

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