New Countries

New Countries

The children have been working on creating a new country. The content focus was around natural and human-made features. The natural features were to be natural colours while the human-made features could be any colour. We talked about the parts of the body of animals and they created their own animal that is suited to live in their country. 

We definitely could have kept working on these projects for many more days. If your child is interested in continuing adding to the project I would ask where is the animal going to find food and how do people get around in your country. 

Museum trip

Thank you to those parents who are free to join us this week at the museum. The bus is leaving at 8:45 to get us in to Victoria for our 10 am visit time. Please make an effort to be on time on Thursday so we can load the busses. 
For those that have indicated that they can join us, you are welcome to meet at the class to arrange carpooling so that you do not have to all drive separately. We will meet at the side entrance to the museum by the totem poles. You will be responsible for a small group of students and for guiding them on a short scavenger hunt! 


As you may have noticed, the children are starting to make their own "I need..." lists to go in the agendas. This is to help them to take on some of the responsibility for sharing information and gathering needed items for the next day. 

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