
Showing posts from April, 2018

The Marble Run challenge

Marble Run Challenge Hopefully you have heard about the Marble Run challenge that the children work on this week. They were to create a vertical marble run that crossed the piece of poster board at least 3 times. This project is part of the Applied Design, Skill and Technologies subject of the grade 1 curriculum. The first day the students made a plan on their own for the marble run. They then met with a partner to share their ideas. They then returned to their plan to add new ideas that they got when talking  to others. The second day of the project the students met with their groups and looked at all the plans. They had to agree on 1 plan or an amalgamation of the plans and then as a group, they were to draw the agreed upon plan in their journals. Finally, when they had the plans drawn they could start construction. All the marble runs were a huge success and very different from each other. I will put the videos up on Ed Inform over the next few days, so that you can see t...


Writing Over the month of April we will be doing more writing. At this point of the year in grade 1 the students have a really great French vocabulary and can converse in French with me and their peers. Now that they have a good vocabulary base, we will spend more time writing.  Once or twice a week the students will practice writing from a topic or starter sentence that I give them in class. They will also have weekly opportunities to do a free-write in their journals.  Below are the writing goals for Fully Meeting writing  in the spring of Grade 1. These are the things we will be working towards in class: - Including a detailed drawing   -writing several sentences (3+) that follow a logical order and make sense to the reader - using letter sounds to spell unfamiliar words and spelling frequently used words correctly.   -beginning to use capital letters and periods correctly.   Subtraction We are beginning to work...