The Marble Run challenge

Marble Run Challenge

Hopefully you have heard about the Marble Run challenge that the children work on this week. They were to create a vertical marble run that crossed the piece of poster board at least 3 times. This project is part of the Applied Design, Skill and Technologies subject of the grade 1 curriculum.

The first day the students made a plan on their own for the marble run. They then met with a partner to share their ideas. They then returned to their plan to add new ideas that they got when talking  to others. The second day of the project the students met with their groups and looked at all the plans. They had to agree on 1 plan or an amalgamation of the plans and then as a group, they were to draw the agreed upon plan in their journals. Finally, when they had the plans drawn they could start construction.

All the marble runs were a huge success and very different from each other. I will put the videos up on Ed Inform over the next few days, so that you can see the final product.


I have put a PDF on Ed Inform that includes 2-3 of your child's writing samples that they have written over the month of April. I have added comments and a marking sheet that I use at this time of the year. Hopefully you will notice the wonderful progress that they children have been making.

Next week we are working on writing about a garden. On Friday, the children made detailed drawings of a garden. The drawing is to include decorative plants, vegetables, fruit, insects and the tools that are used in the garden. Tomorrow we are going to label our drawings and colour them. Later in the week we are going to add action words of things that we do in the garden as well as write about the garden.


We will be continuing to work on geometry in math. This week we will finish the 2D shape review and move on to 3D shapes. 

We are likely going to talk about light and hopefully if we have some sunny days in 2 weeks time, we can play with shadows and chalk outside. 

Things that you can do at home:

  1. Talk about gardening
  2. Read the booklets that come home
  3. Ask what the names of shapes are in French and how do you say side "côtè" and corner "coin".

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