Reindeer and Caribou
We have been learning about Caribou, who are also known as reindeer. We have been reading non-fiction books and learning where they live, as well as their body parts and characteristics. We learned an interesting scientific fact that the blood vessels in the nose can make their noses appear red! As part of sharing what we know, the children wrote as a scientists in their journals. They labelled the body parts of a reindeer then some students continued to write a sentence about what a reindeer has for example "A reindeer has hooves."
Math Baskets
Our morning math baskets are a variety of Christmas games. Most of them include rolling dice. We are working on recognizing the numbers on the dice at a glance as well as counting on. Counting on is when have 2 dice (5 and 4) you say one number such as 5 and keep counting from 5 saying 6, 7, 8, 9 to find the answer.
Building community
We invited the grade 2 classes to come and spend time with us. Friday, we are playing games with Sarah's grade 2 class in the gym and after lunch Ashlee's is joining us for a story and an art project.
What you can do at home:
- Ask what they know about reindeer. Ask what the French names are for antlers, hooves and tail. You can ask what about the reindeer's body makes them able to live where it is cold.
- Play board games with 2 dice, especially over the holiday. I am noticing during Math baskets that many children count every single dot on the dice rather than looking at a 3 and 6 , saying 3 and counting on 4,5,6,7,8,9. This skill is really integral to addition.
- Thanks for helping your child strengthen their reading skills with the homework. I am already noticing a difference. We will stop homework until after Christmas as this season gets very busy for some families.