Addition Practice and Personal Writing

 Personal Writing

We have started a unit focusing on writing about personal moments, things that we have seen, done, or had done to us (haircut, tooth pulled etc). We are using Robert Munsch stories as our anchor books as he wrote about children and events based in everyday activities. 

The children are encouraged to break a moment into four parts, each part is one idea. As an idea is typically a sentence, we are working on using punctuation at the end of an idea and capitals to start the next idea. We are also practicing using vocabulary that describes the time that has passed e.g. one day, then, while, over, under, on etc. 

We will also be practicing adding dialogue to our writing. Robert Munsch certainly writes entertaining dialogue including sound effects!

Addition Practice

We have completed our unit on addition and double digit addition and are moving on to subtraction. Although we have practiced math addition facts to 20 with games, flash cards and problem solving many of the class are still counting, from 1, to solve 6+8 etc. Knowing math addition facts is big part of being able to add using mental math strategies as well as being able to add double digit numbers quickly and accurately.

The children have been practicing recomposing as a mental math strategy to add double digit and later 3 or more digit numbers. This is one example of the recomposing that the children have been doing. We call it Spiderman math. The goal is to be able to use mental math strategies when adding numbers to sums up to 100. 

Continuing to practice addition facts, recomposing and regrouping will support your child to be ready for grade 3. In grade 3 they will move on to adding to 1000 and are expected to have math facts to 20 memorized. Having a solid foundation in math facts, recomposing, making 10 or the nearest 10 will pave the way for their math addition journey next year. 

Things that you can do at home:

Math- Addition

Here are activities that will support your child's addition journey. The Learning Report at the end of April will give you an idea of what your child is doing on their addition journey and which activities will best support their goals. However, these activities are all ones we have done as a class during the addition unit.
  1. Use cards and play Addition Snap as explained in this video. Again the goal is to get to a point where they are not counting the pips on the cards to solve the equation.
  2. Use the Addition Flash cards to build fluency with number facts to 20.
  3. Double Digit addition worksheet Roll a die to generate random single digits to fill in the worksheet or use playing cards for numbers greater than 6. 
  4. Practice recomposing when adding double digit problems. Roll a die to generate random single digits to fill in the Recomposing work sheet eg 62 +36 then have your child follow the steps to recompose the problem to 60+30+2+6= 90+8= 98. To get bigger numbers you can also draw cards to randomize the problem. 
  5. Explore some of the math activities under the tab "Learning Activities".

Oral French Practice

  1. Listen to favourite video and shows in French. Youtube has many kids shows in French you can search the show and add the word French. 
  2. Explore the tab "Learning Activities" and "Songs" that have activities that will strengthen oral comprehension. 

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