Our Winter Explorations

Water- solid and liquid water

We spent the early part of the month exploring water and building our winter vocabulary. One morning we discovered that our Lego people were frozen in ice! This led to a discussion about what makes an object a solid or a liquid. We also took time throughout the day to draw what was happening in the plates on our tables. As the ice began to melt we explored and watched a video about the water cycle. We talked about where in our homes we have seen condensation and steam. 

As part of our explorations with solids, we used plasticine to model how the plasticine does not change shape unless we pull it, roll it or otherwise use force on it.

We also explored liquids in class. We gathered material and recorded if we thought that they would float or sink. The next day we tested the object to see if our predictions were accurate. 

Observing the states of water


Over the last several weeks we have continued to explore 2D shapes. We have been playing "What's my rule?" (C'est quoi ma rΓ¨gle?). The students work with a partner. One child sorts the shapes based on an attribute (size, colour, thickness etc.) and the second child has to guess the rule for sorting. The grade 1's are sorting by one attribute and the grade 2's are using two or more attributes. 

We went on a shape scavenger hunt in class. The students searched for 2D shapes in the 3D objects in class. For example our class table groups make a hexagon. 

Recently the students have been creating 2D shapes using geoboards.

Exploring 2D shapes

Core competencies

As we prepare for report cards to come out at the end of the month, the students are preparing their self-evaluation of the core competencies. These competencies include communication, thinking as well as personal and social responsibility. We engage in these competencies all the time with our activities. 

Over the last few weeks we have been reading books that illustrate each of the competencies so that the children have concrete examples of what each of the competencies look like. We are watching a movie "Meet the Robinsons" to continue to explore the competencies. At the beginning of the movie the character Lewis does not demonstrate many of the core competencies. As we watch the movie we are pausing and talking about which competencies he demonstrates and which ones he is working on. 

Next week the children will complete their own self- evaluation.

Here is a link to the BC core competencies

FreshGrade Connect

If you haven't checked in recently, please log in to FreshGrade and leave a πŸ‘ or a πŸ˜€ in the comment box of the assessments in the portfolios. The evaluations that you find on the portfolio are the basis of the upcoming report card. 

Recently the students have started to take their own pictures of their work. The pictures that they take have their name in the picture (so I know whose work is in the photo) and a card with a self-evaluation. The ⭐ means that your child thinks that this is their best work, a πŸ˜€ means "I did it" and the πŸ˜‘ means your child thinks that they would like more support or practice for this activity. 

Home reading

As I read with students next week, we will begin our home reading program. Your child will choose a book that they can read independently and bring it home. Students benefit from rereading books. To that end, please keep the book at home until your child has had a chance to read the book on three different occasions. Enjoy!

Please let me know if you do not want books to come home at this time. This is not a mandatory activity or homework. 

Things that you can do at home:

  1. Look for 2D shapes in furniture and objects in your home. For example the side of the couch could be a rectangle. 
  2. Talk about the temperature outside relative to the rain and (maybe) snow. We discussed the freezing temperature of water in class. 
  3. Read books with your child that they enjoy. Look at the library books with you child, ask them what words on the page they can read or find. 

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