Our school community

Social Studies

In the last 2 weeks, we have been talking about ourselves, our families and our school community. 

Ipad project

We have had a very busy 2 weeks. We have been talking about the roles and responsibilities at school. The children brainstormed their roles at school which included being kind, respecting others, listening and following directions. I added that we are also here to "grow our brains". The summary of these ideas is the first picture below. 
We then brainstormed what Lisa does at school. These are the ideas from the grade 1 perspective; Lisa works, helps others, and gives people things. The kids also said that she talks to others in the hall a lot. 
Susan (the librarian) and I then introduced the iPads and the children were to make a video of Lisa and 1 other staff member. Lisa was to help the other person and the children were to use as much French as possible. The end result was really fun. I will try and put the videos up on Ed Inform for you to see. Some of them are too long as we have a time limit on videos. 
When we debriefed the activity and I asked the kids what went well, the most frequent answer was "I spoke a lot of French!" 
I am looking forward to our next project!



In math we are finishing off representing numbers to 10. As we finish this part of number sense we are moving to Making 5 and 10. Five and Ten are what are known as benchmark numbers. Not to mention it works well with the number of fingers. 
If you are trying to add 57 and 43, when you know that the 3 and 7 make a 10 then you can quickly change the equation to 50+40+10 or 50+50. We will spend the next few weeks on this concept. 

Ed Inform

Thank you to everyone who returned the forms for ED Inform. Hopefully you have received an email of how to download the app and log on. The app is still a new app and as with all technology there are glitches. Our IT staff are phenomenal and really helpful. 
One such glitch, is I am not being notified when parents comment on the items in Ed Inform. If I haven't answered, can you write a quick note in your child's folder and I will know to check on line. At the moment, without the notifications, it is too cumbersome for me to check every item for every child daily. Thanks!
Here is some detail on how I am using Ed Inform:

Assessments on Ed Inform

I am using the assessments part of Ed Inform to share things that your child is doing to meet the learning intention that I have written up as part of the assessment. The pictures, video and audio will show what your child is doing to meet the learning outcome. These assessments appear on Ed Inform towards the end of that activity/ theme.


These photos show what is going on in the room. As we near the end of a unit/ concept I may use some of these photos as part of the learning assessment to show what your child is doing to meet the learning outcome.

What you can do at home:

  1. If you see opportunities to Make 5 or 10 at home suggest to your child to make 5 (10). For example if there are 3 bananas on the table you could ask how many more to make 5?
  2. Keep counting groups of things
  3. Play games with dice, dominos and cards to help your child visualize the "number" on the card.
Social Studies and Literacy:
  1. We are talking about our families.You could have conversations about family members that the children know and family members that may not live close by.

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