Fall leaves inquiry

Fall leaves

We have started a new unit about fall and leaves. The goal of this unit is to notice how our environment is changing and to explore how the reason the plants are changing. We started this week by asking questions. The students each had a post-it note on which they drew what they were wondering about fall. Some of the questions were things like "Why do the leaves fall?" "What happens to rabbits during fall?" and "Why do mice and squirrels both gather food in the fall?"
To answer the questions about leaves falling, we have read some non-fiction books about the seasons, we have also gone on walks around the school and into the forest to look at the signs of fall. We have also examined leaves to note the change if colour and the absence of the chlorophyll in the leaves. 
We have been using our 5 senses to observe leaves and share our descriptions of leaves. 
Next week we will write about fall and learn more about the leaves. 

Math- Patterns 

We are going to take a break from numbers sense for the next week or two. We are going to talk about patterns. We will start at Bright Angel park as the students explore with fall leaves, sticks, pinecones etc. to make patterns. Early next week we will read a book "Spotty, Stripy, Swirly" which is a book about patterns. We will then explore with materials in the class to make repeating patterns. 
One of the things the children will be working on is to try making patterns different ways. 


On Monday and Tuesday we are going to make a fall forest in the class made from paper bags. Once we have our fall forest with the details that we have observed outside, we will decorate the forest for Halloween! If you are picking up during the week, please stop by and see our creation!
On Tuesday, please send your child's costume in a bag for the afternoon festivities. The children will change after their music period is over at 12:35. If you would like to stop in to see them before the parade, you are more than welcome.  As there are many allergies and sensitivities in the class we are not having a shared snack for Halloween.
Halloween candy: As a general rule at lunch and snack, I ask the children to eat their healthy food first. In class, candy is not considered a snack, rather a treat food as such, it gets eaten last. If you do send candy in the lunch please send only 1 piece and only for this week until November 3rd. Thanks. 

Things you can do at home:


  1. All the children can represent numbers 1-8 accurately. That means that they can draw 4 things to represent 4. By the end of grade 1 the children should be able to represent numbers to 20. You can say a number and have your child draw the number of items while you are making lunches or other chores.
  2. Have your child show you patterns that are around your house. We are going to talk about spiral patterns, circular patterns, and alternating patterns. 


  1. When out and about you can have a conversation about what they notice that is changing right now. 
  2. Have your child describe what they notice using their 5 senses, where possible. What do the leaves feel like, sound like (when you touch them, jump in them), look like and smell like? Try and notice the leaves now as they are dry, after it rains and after they have been on the ground for a while. 

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