Loose parts and engineering

Loose parts

We have been using the loose parts (see pictures) for many projects over the last several weeks. We have made many winter scenes. The children have then told stories about their winter scenes practicing telling beginnings, middles and ends of stories. 

This week we looked at pictures of snowflakes as they were seen under microscopes. The students then used the loose parts to make symmetrical snowflakes with a pattern around the centre core. 

Also this week they used the loose parts to build a shelter for a penguin during an antarctic storm. The shelter had to be big enough for the penguin and be able to withstand substantial wind (blowing on the shelter).
These activities promote creativity and critical thinking. They are also related to many of the subjects of the curriculum, including Applied design, skills and technologies. 

Science Challenge

On Friday we participated in the science challenge. The student were to build a ping pong ball launcher. It is always challenging to work as a team. The students started the day by reading a story of a little girl who wanted to create something amazing. The book included her many attempts, her frustrations and finally her amazing invention. The invention that wasn't perfect but did what she hsd imagined it would do.

The students then sat down and individually planned their towers. They then met with their group and chose the design for the tower. Once they had a plan the class got to work. They built the towers with the launchers. There were many different ideas. Some worked and some did not. Over all it was a success.

The class worked on building on other's ideas, perseverance, communication and being kind to teammates.  Ask your child how they feel they did as they worked on the project.

I will put individual picture up on the Fresh Grade portfolios.


Things you can do at home:

In the next few weeks we will begin addition. Here are some things to check to see if your child is ready for this next step. 
  • Ensure that your child counts items accurately to at least 20. When children make mistakes counting, for example they say there are 8 things when there are in fact 9, they add inaccurately. Practice counting piles of objects.
  • Ensure that your child knows the French names for numbers. We work  only in French. It slows children down when working to have to stop and count to find the right "name" of a number. There are many French youtube number songs to help with vocabulary.
  • Play games with 2 dice so the children get used to the idea that 2 numbers can be joined to make a bigger group. 

Things to watch for in the coming weeks:

  •  Return of our student teacher.
  •  Report cards- Lise and I are working to get the report cards out to the families early in February. This report card will be a summary of the things you have seen in the Fresh Grade portfolio.
  • Showcase evening- stay tuned! I am working on an idea to have a class showcase one evening at the end of February. 

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