and it is 2017!

Welcome back to each of you!

We have had a wonderful start to the new year. I have really enjoyed the snow and the cold (yes, you may call me crazy!)

Our icy field- it was inspiring. 

Last week we read stories about snowmen. We talked about the water cycle in terms of water melting and freezing. We studied the ice in the field and wondered how the bubbles got into the ice. We did a few art projects. We made snow scenes with loose parts (there are pictures on Fresh Grade), snowmen out of plasticine and a paper art project of a melted snowman. We used the paper art project as inspiration to write about what snowmen should not do to prevent melting. There were so many good ideas in the class such as visit the desert, have a bath or drink hot chocolate.

The world at the poles

While the cold weather is here, we have started a unit on life at the poles. We will look specifically at penguins and polar bears. The class seems really interested in penguins right now. We are going to look at life in the north and compare it to our communities here in the Cowichan Valley. 


As well as our morning math baskets for addition and numbers to 20, we are graphing. We are learning how to make bar graphs, how to use tally marks and we will make a survey and record the results. 


We have had a student teacher with us this week she has been spending her days getting to know us and our class routines. She will be back for an other observation day in February. She will teach the class for a week in March and then will return in April for 5 weeks of teaching. 

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