
Showing posts from November, 2016

Our week about trees!

As you may remember we had a wonderful sunny day on Monday. We went to the forest to collect things that fall from trees. We came back with a large and varied collection of items.  We found pine and fir cones, leaves as well as bits of branches. We also collected moss and lichen that the children found interesting. On Tuesday we read a book about the forest "L'arbre: Un petit monde plein de vie", This book explains everything from how a tree grows to the animals who live in and around trees and including how trees give back to the soil and nurture new growth after they die. The children then used magnifying glasses to look in detail at the items we had gathered and drew 3 items in detail.  Wednesday morning the children went back to the collection and pick items to play with to make a story about the forest. These stories came home earlier this week. Some children wrote fictional stories while other children chose to write about what they saw in the forest.   T...

Everyone deserves a smile EDAS

In school one of the things we endeavour to model for the children is being thoughtful, considerate and empathetic to all peoples. To that end, we (as a staff) have decided to participate in the Everyone Deserve a Smile project. This project is being led by a group of our grade 6 & 7 students. Our project goal is to prepare a care package for each homeless person in our local area. There are over 300 homeless living in the Cowichan Valley. These parcels will be given out from the 8-13 of December. Each child in the school is preparing a bag and a card for the homeless in our area. We are also looking for donations for items for the bags as well as families to bake cookies to include in the bags. Attached to this email is a list of things we are collecting as donations for the bags as well as the things we are going to do in class. EDAS letter

Halloween Week

What you can do: point out things that are symmetrical, especially when the children are playing with lego, blocks etc.  When you read a story with your child, ask them who the characters are and where the story takes place.  Literacy The Three Little Pigs We have been reading and talking about the story "The Three Little Pigs". We have listened to several versions of the story. The children have watched some Youtube versions of the story. We have been working on listening to French and building vocabulary. The children are also getting a chance to act out the story and tell the story to others. The kids brainstormed what is included in all stories. From this brainstorm, the children decided that all stories have a beginning, characters, settings and an end. Currently the kids are working on a map that shows the various settings in the story. The next step on Monday is to colour puppets and use the maps that they have made to retell the story.  Three L...