Halloween Week

What you can do:

  • point out things that are symmetrical, especially when the children are playing with lego, blocks etc. 
  • When you read a story with your child, ask them who the characters are and where the story takes place. 


The Three Little Pigs

We have been reading and talking about the story "The Three Little Pigs". We have listened to several versions of the story. The children have watched some Youtube versions of the story. We have been working on listening to French and building vocabulary.

The children are also getting a chance to act out the story and tell the story to others. The kids brainstormed what is included in all stories. From this brainstorm, the children decided that all stories have a beginning, characters, settings and an end. Currently the kids are working on a map that shows the various settings in the story. The next step on Monday is to colour puppets and use the maps that they have made to retell the story. 

Three Little Pigs Challenge

We had an engineering challenge this week. The children were challenged to make a house out of toothpicks and mini-marshmallows. The challenge was to make a house that was big enough for all 3 little pigs (3 jumbo marshmallows.) 
A house for 3 pigs

A house for 3 pigs

A first house for 3 pigs. The student kept building since the pigs didn't quite fit.

Reading games

We have started a Tic Tac Toe game during "read to self". The children look through books to find words on the Tic Tac Toe board. It helps the children to look for words that they will see frequently.



In math we continue to work on symmetry and shapes. We used pumpkins as geoboards to make symmetrical designs. 

We are following up this activity with geoboards as the morning Math activities. 
We are also using tanagrams to combine shapes such as triangles and squares to make horses, kangaroos, people running and so much more. 
A dragonfly

A symmetrical design

We are also using the iPads to use an app called "Subitize" to help identify quantity of dots automatically. 
The "Subitize" app

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