Winter and the Canadian Arctic

The Canadian Arctic Over the course of the year in grade 2 we are learning about the different regions of Canada. We are starting a unit on the Canadian arctic. We will be doing research on several arctic animals, learning about their habitats, food sources and about the number of offspring as well as whether or not the babies resemble the adults. We will also be learning about the Inuit, traditional ways of transportation and traditional shelters. We will also listen to some throat singing and drumming. Place Value and Numbers to 100 We are continuing to practice math facts during the first 30 minutes of the day. The children are playing games such as Face Off, Salute and Rolling the Addition. The goal continues to be that the children have addition facts to 20 memorized. We are also counting and working with amounts to 100. The students are counting amounts of items up to 75 at this point. They then label the amounts with 10's and 1's and write the number on a ...