Our First Full Week!



We have started our class learning routines and activities this week. The children are practicing reading on our own. They find a spot to sit in class and put a mat down. The children pick 2-3 books that they practice reading several times. 
To practice reading the children are:
  • getting their mouth ready to say the letter sound
  • rereading new words to blend the letter sounds together e.g. R-o-s-ie becomes Ro-sie then Rosie
  • checking that the words that they say make sense in the story.
If there are more than 2 words on a page that they do not know, then they should change their book for something that is easier and still provides a challenge. 

The blue bins, pictured on the bottom shelf, are activities that support oral language, sight word recognition and spelling. Each table gets a bin after snack and works at the activity. Each day they have a different activity. 

Out literacy centres


We have been using Cuisinaire Rods to create number trains. The children started the week making 7 with 2 blocks and then they repeated the activity for 8 and 9. The children are working on making 10. Ten is a benchmark number and knowing the numbers that easily make ten helps with mental math practice throughout all the grades.

After we finish practicing making 10 we will begin to build the numbers between 11-19. Our focus with these numbers is to build understanding of place value and our base 10 number system. 
If you want to learn more about this tool and how it can be used, I have included a link to Cuisinaire Rods.

Cuisinaire Rods

School Supplies

Thank you so much for the school supplies. In our class we share all the school supplies except the notebooks. Each table group will have a supply of pencils, erasers, crayons and markers. In the class there are pencil crayons, sharpies, dry erase markers and glue in bins that are accessible to all the students when needed. 

We generally have one tissue box and bandaid box on the go at a time. 
Thank you so much for having everything we need at school so promptly. 

What you can do at home:

  1. Have your child read what they can on the lL and Mm pages that came home Friday September 15th.
  2. Make sticky notes or cards of either the syllables (la, me, lo etc. ) or the words in the sentences to practice.
  3. Play hangman with the words that came home and/ or the words on the lL and mM pages.
  4. Write silly sentences or stories using the words of the week.
  5. When counting at home, group objects in groups of 10's and 1's to support your child's learning of place value. This will be invaluable when we add and subtract 2 digit numbers later in the year. 
  6. Practice the addition facts that make 10 e.g 3+7, 6+4 etc.

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