Canada is diverse

A focus on literacy 


Since the March Break, we have been focussing on oral language and writing. As these activities do not lend themselves well to being captured for Freshgrade, there have not been any recent updates. Instead, you will see a complete writing sample coming home Monday the 26th at the end of the day. 

To support everyone with their French oral language we have started a new French game involving wearing bracelets in class. There is so much rich conversation in French in class right now! Everyone should be commended for the fantastic effort and risk taking that they are doing every day!


Social Studies

We have been reading Robert Munsch books. Robert Munsch writes books about the children he meets across Canada. By reading a variety of these books, it is giving us jumping off points to talk about the various regions of Canada. We have been adding each book to our map of Canada. So far, we have talked about:

·     --Québec- Carnaval 

·     --The prairies- the immigrants who came to farm the land and the Metis and Cree who live there.

·     --Ontario- the Great Lakes, Niagara Falls, the Algonquin peoples and rural vs. urban settings.

·     --The North- Inukshuks as signposts, the Dene people and Arctic animals.


With all our conversations and discoveries about various regions and peoples we are comparing them to our own Vancouver Island and the Cowichan Tribes. As we continue our conversations, we will explore the Atlantic provinces. Robert Munsch presents limited views of family groupings so we will also be exploring books that present more diverse families to better reflect our Canadian culture.


Addition and mental math

In math the class is working on different strategies to add. The grade 1’s are working on making 10 and using doubles as mental math strategies. The grade 2’s are working on finding the nearest 10 to help with mental math. For example 18+5 can be more easily solved as 20 + 3. 

We have been using a variety of materials in class to gain fluency with addition. Some of the items are; dice, Power of 10 cards, Cuisinaire Rods and cubes.

Outside Playtime

We have turned our garden in to a play community. The students have a variety of loose parts to play with and create. So far we have had a scientific laboratory, a crystal castle and a fairy garden. 

Questions to ask at home:

To help your child elaborate more on their day you can ask:
  • What was your math centre today?
  • Did you have reading centres or read with a partner? 
  • What letter sounds are you practicing this week? 
  • What is the story you are working on this week? Did you draw your picture or write today? What happens next in your story?
  • Wednesdays- What did you do in library? In Music?
  • Thursdays- What did you do in Fine Arts?
  • Fridays- What did you do in Fine Arts? Did you have 3+ choices today? What did you choose?

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