Subtraction and Story writing


We started subtraction this week. We describe subtraction as one big group separating into two other groups. Like our definition of addition, this definition usually stays true even when applied to negative numbers. The goal is to lay the math foundation in grade 1 and 2 that does not have to be relearned as the children deal with negative numbers, absolute values and the imaginary number set (if and when they do calculus!)

We spent a few days playing with toys as is shown in the pictures to help solidify this concept. This is something you can definitely do at home!

We are now working with cuisinaire rods to demonstrate that subtraction is the difference between 2 numbers. We are beginning to write math equations for subtraction from 10. We will expand to equations from 15 and then 20 over the next week or so. 

Story writing

We spent this week talking about a time when we were hurt. You may have heard about how I hit my chin on the side of my cousin's pool! The students acted out their story of "Un gros bobo" with the loose parts in the class, showing the beginning, middle and end of the incident. They then drew the 3 parts of the story!
The first day of writing we concentrated on writing the beginning of the story including where we were and who was there. The next day we focused on the incident itself and attempted to add some dialogue. We then moved on to the ending which included how the injury was cared for and the happy ending. 
The kids had a lot to say about this topic and put a lot of effort into their writing. You will be able to see the writing on Ed Inform later next week. 

Ed Inform

On Ed Inform are the following new items:
  1. An evaluation of your child's efforts during the addition unit
  2. Pictures of their "Un gros bobo" with loose parts.
  3. Pictures of the subtraction activity we are doing with cuisinaire rods
Please log in and take a look at the new evaluations when you have a minute. This weekend, I am also going to be working on adding an evaluation of their writing under the Storytelling section. Towards the end of May I will also be taking videos of the students reading and adding my evaluation of their progress. 

What you can do at home:

  1. Ask your child to sing the song in the Mother's day card. we practiced it quite a bit. 
  2. Ask your child to show you the hand actions that we do to describe subtraction.
  3. Use toys and objects around the house to practice subtraction stories.
  4. Ask your child about the story that they wrote about their "Gros Bobo". 

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