Halloween activities and the forest

Halloween This past week we have added halloween stories and activities to our usual routine. In the morning we have started with centres to support reading and writing. We have searched the room for halloween vocabulary, sorted halloween objects by syllable and drawn and labelled halloween objects. We drew a haunted house and wrote about the drawing. We started a project to build a haunted maze. The first step was to practice making mazes with materials in the class. (pictures on Ed Inform) We then spent some time, individually designing a maze. The maze had to have at least 4 turns, 2 or more dead ends and one goal. The students will meet in teams on Thursday and decided on the maze they were going to make. Before they can build their maze on Friday, they all have to have the same drawing of the maze as a blueprint. Then they can begin to build. Forest Our trip to Goldstream was the beginning of our unit about our relationship with the forest and squirrels. Next ...