Fort Day, Valentine's Day and More


Fort Day

We had a fabulous celebration day to end our unit on snow and winter. The children worked well to make forts in the class. It was amazing to watch. As each child began to lay out the sheet that they brought, they began to talk and then plan and then work together. As a result we had some pretty spectacular forts! They did all their work in the forts, ate lunch and played in the forts. 
In the afternoon, they did a science challenge. They were given wooden blocks, wax paper, plastic wrap and sandpaper and were asked to build a hill that an ice cube could slide down. There were so many creative ideas. Some students used the sandpaper to stop the ice cube at the bottom of the hill! They had a great day!

The Virtues

We are beginning a unit on Career Education which sounds very lofty for grade 1. In our class we will be focusing on our attributes, skills and interests and what each of us can contribute at home and in the class community. Also as part of this unit we will be talking about different jobs and the attributes that people bring to those jobs. 
This week we talked about friendship and helpfulness. We read several stories, we have practiced being helpful. We looked at the jobs that are done in the home and we sorted them into "Jobs done by Parents" and "Jobs done by me". The children have brought home a reading booklet to read with you about chores at home. 
We also picked a few careers and tried to sort the jobs into the category of helpful or friendly or both. There is a picture below of this activity. 
Next week we will be talking about generosity.

Valentine's Day

I haven't made any firm plans for Valentine's Day celebration as yet. In keeping with the BC Schools Healthy Eating initiative, I won't be having snacks in class, but we may have a Friendship Fruit salad. I will send more details about that closer to the time.
Please do not attach candy to the Valentine's. I believe a list of other ideas was sent out from the office last week. 
I know that writing Valentine's can be a long process and you may want to start soon for the class card exchange. To facilitate that process, here is a link to a list of class names: Class list

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