As we near the end...

We have had a very busy 6 weeks or so since the concert! I thought I would share all the things we have been doing over the last few weeks. We have had a focus on reading and writing. You may have noticed fewer posts on Fresh grade as some of the writing has been coming home as a hard copy. We have also spent a lot of time finishing the garden project pictured below.

The growing garden

We have been working on representing a garden in the school. You may remember we went to the forest to see what was in "dirt".  The children also brought home the bean seeds that they planted. From that point we continued to create a full garden and to talk about biodiversity. 

Our garden includes seeds, roots, leaves, flowers and ladybugs (to eat the aphids). It also includes the water cycle. We labelled the garden so that others could learn from our work. It was a combined effort between our class and Erin's grade 1/2 class. 
If you are in the school, please take time to take a look at this amazing piece of work. 

Summer activities- camping, beach, picnics

More recently we have been talking about summer activities and sharing our own experiences in the wonderful BC outdoors. We have been learning vocabulary about camping and the beach to help us communicate our ideas and traditions in French. We have had many opportunities to write, talk and play with a number of games and centres in the class. 

Of course we have also benefitted from a beautiful day at the beach this past week. Please check Freshgrade to see pictures from our beach day.

Here is a picture from the Bike Rodeo. I will include the pictures of individuals on Freshgrade as well. 

In Math

We have been been continuing to practice math addition and subtraction facts. We are also practicing different ways to count and represent objects such as counting by 2, 5 and 10. This is the beginning of multiplication.

And that's that!

Next week we will be winding down, of course. We are going to do some math problem solving around representing objects, we will be writing for the last time and try to create bubble blowers use outside. 

Thank you for all of your support and help this year. I have enjoyed getting to know each of you as well as sharing the time with your children this year. It has been a memorable year. I wish each of you the best this summer and I will see you in the fall. 

Things that you can do over the summer:

  • bookmark this blog as there are games, reading books and links to youtube songs in French
  • borrow French books from the public library ask if they have any read-along books in French
  • work on English reading
  • have your child keep a journal for the summer (in whichever language they are more comfortable)
  • practice addition and subtraction facts. Going into grade 2, the students should be able to add to at least 20 and subtract from 20. You can use toys in the house, flashcards, card games etc. 
  • explore and wonder about things outside. Let your child come up with their own explanations for "How do clouds make water? (a question we had in class). 
  • Have fun! 

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