
Showing posts from April, 2017

Spring is blooming!

We have had a busy few weeks since the return from March break. Before the break we spent time with the story "The little Red Hen". Since our return we have picked up the theme of planting and seeds. Planting and seeds Jack and the Beanstalk- Story writing, Art and Engineering As a connection to spring and "The Little Read Hen" we read several versions of Jack and the beanstalk. We compared the characters that we included in the various versions. We made note of the common elements. We played the game telephone and talked about how oral messages change over time and how this happened to Fairy Tales and other stories that come from an oral tradition.  We talked about who were the characters in the stories, where the events took place and what were the key events. The children brainstormed what they would do if they found a large beanstalk outside their bedroom window. The then took the ideas they had drawn and wrote a story. I hope you enjoyed the stories ...