Family and the farm

Over the past week we have been building our vocabulary. We are focusing on the family and the farm.

Things you can do at home:
  •  Sing the songs under "Songs we are singing" and read the books under "Home Reading"
  • Play I Spy with French colour names or  with letter sounds e.g. I spy something that begins with the sound "b" (use the sound not the letter name)
  • Play Snakes and Ladder game and other dice games (your child should be able to recognize the number of dots without counting- many in the class have trouble with this)

Our Class Activities:

The Family

This week we made a glyph to demonstrate who lives in our house. For those who have 2 homes, they chose just 1 home. On a black house we glued pieces of construction paper. Each colour represents something specific. For instance yellow is a mother/ step-mother, blue is a brother, light purple is "me" etc. We had a good time and shared a lot about ourselves.

We also read the book "Ma famille" together and talked about the difference between "mère"  (mother) and Maman. This book is under the Home Reading tab for you to read with your child.

Next week we will write about our family in our journals. 

The Farm

We are practicing "Je vois..." using vocabulary of buildings, people and animals found on the farm. We enjoyed the trip to Providence Farm. Tomorrow, we are going to measure our pumpkins. We are going to draw the pumpkins and then use paint chips to try and find the exact colour of our pumpkins. We will then mix paint to paint our pumpkin drawings.

As part of our discussions about the farm, we are also talking about healthy eating, fruits and vegetables. 

Our Farm centres

We have new centres in the classroom. We have a kitchen area, several stuffed animals, horses and my children's old Fisher Price barn. Before the children begin to play, they choose their role in the family (father, child, uncle etc.). They also choose 2-3 activities that they are going to do such as; sleep, garden, harvest, care for the animals, cook and clean. The children love these centres. 

I have recently received a bin from our district lending program that includes many different items to add to our centres such as; cow, horse, lamb and farmer costumes as well as puppets, books and foam blocks. 

The children are practicing problem solving skills at these centres. We also talk about using the French vocabulary words that they know mixed with English as needed to play. 

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